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How is pollution related to global warming?

What are some alternate sources of energy?

Does Global Climate Change have anything to do with Depletion of the Ozone Layer?

Question How is pollution related to global warming?

  • Scientists contend that anthropogenic additions of greenhouse gases, mainly CO2, may be enhancing the natural warming of the earth. Use of fossil fuels (e.g. driving a car, drawing electricity from a coal-fired power plant, heating a home with oil or natural gas) is the main human source of CO2 and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. The second most important source of heat-trapping gases is land-use changes, such as deforestation. The concentration of CO2 since pre-industrial times has increased by 27%. Also, agricultural activities such as growing rice and raising cattle has had a large influence in the 151% rise of atmospheric methane. With these considerable increases in greenhouse gases, more heat from the sun and earth's surface is trapped in the atmosphere, causing the phenomenon known as global warming.

Question What are some alternate sources of energy?

  • Here are a few:

    Solar: Solar power or sun's energy can be used to make both electricity and fuels with solar panels. These panels take energy from sunlight and turn it into either electricity or they drive a chemical reaction to make a fuel (hydrogen gas for instance). More energy from the sun hits the earth's surface in one hour than ALL the energy used by people on the entire earth in one year!

    Hydroelectric: By building a dam on a river, and only letting the water pass through a small passage, you can use the force of the moving water to spin a turbine to make electricity.

    Geothermal: If you drill down deep enough into the surface of the earth, you will reach very hot rocks. You can inject cold water into this deep hole, and the rocks heat the water, turning it to steam. You can then use this steam to turn a turbine to make electricity.

    Wind: Giant windmills spin to make electricity from the force of wind moving through the blades of the windmill.
    Biomass: Many plants can be turned into chemical fuels that can be burned. Ethanol is the most common, and usually corn or sugar cane is grown to make ethanol. You can burn ethanol in many cars just like gasoline.

    Waves and Tides: The movement of water due to crashing waves or rising and falling tides can be used to spin a submerged propeller or a turbine to make electricity.

    Fusion: In addition a costly and somewhat dangerous resource is being developed which is known as fusion. This is the same energy which generates the sun's heat and energy. It fuses hydrogen atoms into helium atoms but is not yet cost effective and they have yet to make a self sustaining reaction.

Question Does Global Climate Change have anything to do with Depletion of the Ozone Layer?

  • Global Warming occurs because gases in the atmosphere interfere with radiation of "excess" heat to space. These gases are called "greenhouse gases". Ozone itself is a greenhouse gas, as is carbon dioxide and water vapor. Any molecule with three or more atoms will be a greenhouse gas.

    The hole in the ozone layer is a natural, repeating occurrence. The primary reason for the thinning of this the ozone layer is due to the sun not being able to create more ozone over the poles for a few months each year. The angle of the planet in relation to the sun determines the location and size of this miss label thin area called a hole. many people believe that man may also play some part in the thinning that occurs naturally.

    The two phenomenon are unrelated, except by the addition of new / more compounds to the atmosphere, by both Nature and Man.

    Man's contribution to global warming and the depletion of the ozone layer are caused by pollution. This warming started over 6000 years ago and has risen almost 11 degrees. 0.2 of this since man has started burning fossil fuels. The ozone hole has always occurred as far as we can tell. The hole appears to have been the largest in the mid 1800's due to solar activity during that era.

    It should be noted that over the past 6000 years we have seen a 11 degree C rise. In the past 150 years we have seen a 0.6 degree rise. In the past 10 years we have seen a slight cooling. 1998 was the warmest year on record and cooling has been quietly observed by NASA in our oceans.

    If there is any real warming due to man, this would tend to show up as consistent global warming. The two warmest years on record are 1999 and then 1938 in recorded history. The trend is not for warmer years.

    If should be also pointed out that recorded history is less then 150 years. Lastly, climate change has occurred for millions of years. We are in a very natural cycle that we have seen over and over again.

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