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Dubai Taxi Befriends the Environment
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Dubai Taxi Befriends the Environment

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Dubai Taxi Corporation has introduced 20 environmentally friendly Toyota Camry hybrid vehicles within the Corporation’s fleet, as part of a comprehensive plan to reduce pollution caused by vehicles emissions and making them environmentally friendly in Dubai, within the strategic plan of the Corporation and in order to achieve the strategic mission "Safety, Environment Sustainability and Support of Green Economy" and under the slogan "Leadership for a Better Tomorrow".

Mr. Ahmad Mohammed Al Hammadi, Acting CEO of Dubai Taxi,  said: "The Roads and Transport Authority makes unremitting efforts to bring about a shift in the infrastructure systems of mass transit so that they are environmentally friendly, and meet the increasing demand for transportation in the Emirate as the aim of the operation of hybrid vehicles is to consolidate the initiative of the Dubai government's efforts to put green vehicles for a cleaner environment, and to assess the feasibility of the use of hybrid vehicles in the taxis' fleet, pointing out that the Roads and Transport Authority is the first entity in the region with the pilot operation of hybrid vehicles in the fleet of Dubai Taxi Corporation in the period from 2008 until 2011".

He added: Results of this experiment have shown that the vehicles have been driven for more than 550 thousand kilometers without breakdowns or major maintenance of the main parts in the vehicle, and the percentage of rationalization in the use of fuel reached 33%, and the carbon dioxide emissions percentage lowered by 33%, explaining that, for example, a regular vehicle needs 12 liters and a half liter to complete 100 kilometers, while the hybrid vehicle needs around 8.25 liters to cover the same distance, and estimated the amount of carbon dioxide emissions of the regular vehicle per day to be 182 kg, while the amount of emissions left by hybrid composite per day is 121 kg.

He stressed that this initiative comes in implementation of the directives aimed at the rationalization of energy use in the country due to its importance for the society and for development projects of various components, and the work to create an environment that is safe, clean, attractive and sustainable that elevate to the reputation and status of the Emirate of Dubai, also comes in the context of the commitment of the Roads and Transport Authority and Dubai Taxi Corporation together to protect lives and property and the preservation of the environment and natural resources, and improve standards of occupational health and public safety, and the use of techniques to reduce noise levels resulting from means of transportation.

For his part, Mr. Yusuf Al Raisi said: Al-Futtaim Motors Company is happy to enter in this partnership with Taxi Dubai Corporation and with the results of efforts of concerned parties during this pilot project of hybrid vehicles in the last period, adding that the Company is committed to doing its part in terms of its responsibility towards the environment and the communities in which they operate, in line with the approach of Toyota's global approach to develop environmentally friendly transport solutions over a period of more than 40 years, and we look forward through handing of the Camry hybrid vehicles to contribute to spreading required awareness to provide a cleaner environment over the coming years.

Toyota has achieved sales that exceeded 5.5 million hybrid vehicles globally, and has a range of 23 different models of hybrid vehicles that are marketed in 80 countries and regions all over the world.

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